This is So Gucci: Bringing Back Literary Allusions

It seems like where literary references once reigned supreme, they now have been usurped by phrases invented by reality TV stars and YouTubers. I’m not necessarily saying that the new colloquialisms are bad. However, I think that we should bring back the literary references too. You know, let the old and new intermingle together to create a hodgepodge of cultural references. Here are some literary references that I think we should use more often so that they don’t become forgotten.

Drum Roll Please: Best Opening Lines of All Time

This week, we have a guest post from TheBookBlogger2014 (a.k.a. Matt). He is the very first guest blogger on this blog, and he does a terrific job of reviewing books that are both “classics” and modern texts over at his blog, The Book Blogger. Without further ado, I present to you, TheBookBlogger2014’s take on the best first lines.

Books That I Wish I Could Read for the First Time Again

We all have that book that captured us instantly. When we first read it, we would be so engrossed in the story that we wouldn’t even remember turning the pages. However, sometimes these books lose their initial allure and the magic that overcame us upon the first reading. Here are some of the books that I wish I could recapture the experience of reading them for the first time.

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