The Best Feelings Part III

A while back, I started a series called “The Best Feelings,” and I would like to continue that series, because it is nice just to stop and recognize the good things in life sometimes. Here is part one and part two of the series if you are interested and want some additional warm fuzzies today: “The Best Feelings Part I” and “The Best Feelings Part II.” Please feel free to add to the list by commenting below, and it may even show up in part four of this series. Enjoy!

  1. Giving someone a gift that you knew they really, really wanted.
  2. Watching a student succeed when he/she thought that he/she couldn’t.
  3. Hearing that sound of only net against ball when you hit a perfect swish while playing basketball.
  4. Cuddling with someone while watching TV.
  5. Hearing that you are your mailman’s favorite customer. #benicetopostalworkers #givethemcupcakes

    Pink Lemonade Cupcake
    Consider giving your postal worker a cupcake, or even just a cold bottle of water this summer. Oftentimes, they appreciate the gesture more than you know. Photo By: Elizabeth Preston
  6. Eating cheesecake because, well, cheesecake.
  7. A dog cuddling with you.
  8. Sitting on the porch in the evening while talking with loved ones.
  9. Receiving a present that you know someone put a lot of effort and thought into.
  10. Picking fruit or vegetables from a plant that you grew yourself.

    Almost Ready
    Photo By: Elizabeth Preston
  11. Finishing a major project.
  12. When an outfit fits just right.
  13. When your eyeliner goes on perfectly the first time and matches the other eye. This rarely happens, but it’s so sweet when it does.
  14. Parking perfectly in the middle of a space. This is such a rarity for me.
  15. Seeing a dog smile.

    Time to Play
    Snowie has such a good smile, don’t you think? Photo By: Elizabeth Preston
  16. Receiving a kind note that reminds you to keep smiling.
  17. Hearing someone tell you that you matter.
  18. Finishing a difficult workout.
  19. Landing a balanced and perfect roundhouse on a punching bag.
  20. Getting an answer right while watching Jeopardy.

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